Package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.visualization
Base class for View implementations which visualize detected results on top of the image preview. Derived classes should implement drawDetection method to perform actual drawing.
Defines location and size of the actual preview image relative to the PreviewView. This information can be used to convert from the image coordinate system to the view coordinate system.
Create PreviewImageBounds originating in the top-left corner of this Canvas object and matching its dimensions.
Draw given detectedPoses on the Canvas using landmarkPaint and landmarkRadius for the pose vertices, edgePaint for the poses edges, objectPaint for the bounding box and labelPaint for the label.
Draw given detectedObject on the Canvas using paint for the bounding box and labelPaint for the label.
Draw given detectedObjects on the Canvas using paint for the bounding box and labelPaint for the label.
Draw given detectedPose on the Canvas using landmarkPaint and landmarkRadius for the pose vertices, and edgePaint for the pose edges.
Calculate the location of the preview image top-left corner (relative to the component top-left corner) and dimensions, to be used for displaying detected objects, for example with the DetectorViewBase.