Package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.onnx.inference.classification


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open class ImageRecognitionModel(internalModel: OnnxInferenceModel, channelsFirst: Boolean, preprocessor: Operation<Pair<FloatArray, TensorShape>, Pair<FloatArray, TensorShape>>, modelKindDescription: String?, classLabels: Map<Int, String>) : ImageRecognitionModelBase<Bitmap> , ExecutionProviderCompatible, CameraXCompatibleModel

The light-weight API for Classification task with one of the Model Hub models.


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fun ImageRecognitionModelBase<Bitmap>.predictObject(imageProxy: ImageProxy): String

Predicts object for the given imageProxy. Internal preprocessing is updated to rotate image to match target orientation. After prediction, internal preprocessing is restored to the original state.

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fun ImageRecognitionModelBase<Bitmap>.predictTopKObjects(imageProxy: ImageProxy, topK: Int = 5): List<Pair<String, Float>>

Predicts topK objects for the given imageProxy. Internal preprocessing is updated to rotate image to match target orientation. After prediction, internal preprocessing is restored to the original state.