Package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.api.core.layer.reshaping


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abstract class AbstractCropping(croppingInternal: Array<IntArray>, name: String) : Layer

Abstract Cropping layer used as the base layer for all the cropping layers.

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abstract class AbstractUpSampling(sizeInternal: IntArray, interpolationInternal: InterpolationMethod, name: String) : Layer

Abstract UpSampling layer used as the base layer for all the upsampling layers.

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abstract class AbstractZeroPadding(name: String) : Layer

Abstract Zero Padding layer used as the base layer for all the ZeroPadding layers.

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class Cropping1D(cropping: IntArray, name: String) : AbstractCropping

Cropping layer for 1D data (e.g. audio, time-series)

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class Cropping2D(cropping: Array<IntArray>, name: String) : AbstractCropping

Cropping layer for 2D data (e.g. images)

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class Cropping3D(cropping: Array<IntArray>, name: String) : AbstractCropping

Cropping layer for 3D data (e.g. video, spatio-temporal)

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class Flatten(name: String) : Layer

Flattens the input. Does not affect the batch size.

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enum InterpolationMethod : Enum<InterpolationMethod>

Type of interpolation method.

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class Permute(dims: IntArray, name: String) : Layer

Permutes the dimensions of the input according to a given pattern. Input shape: Arbitrary Output shape: Same as input shape, but with the dimensions re-ordered according to the specified pattern.

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class RepeatVector(n: Int, name: String) : Layer

Layer that repeats the input n times.

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class Reshape(targetShape: List<Int>, name: String) : Layer

Layer that reshapes inputs into the given shape.

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class UpSampling1D(size: Int, name: String) : AbstractUpSampling

Upsampling layer for 1D input.

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class UpSampling2D(size: IntArray, interpolation: InterpolationMethod, name: String) : AbstractUpSampling

Upsampling layer for 2D input.

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class UpSampling3D(size: IntArray, name: String) : AbstractUpSampling

Upsampling layer for 3D input.

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class ZeroPadding1D : AbstractZeroPadding

Zero-padding layer for 1D input (e.g. audio). This layer can add zeros in the rows of the audio tensor

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class ZeroPadding2D : AbstractZeroPadding

Zero-padding layer for 2D input (e.g. picture). This layer can add rows and columns of zeros at the top, bottom, left and right side of an image tensor.

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class ZeroPadding3D : AbstractZeroPadding

Zero-padding layer for 3D input (e.g. video). This layer can add zeros in the rows, cols and depth of a video tensor.