Package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.api.inference.posedetection


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data class DetectedPose(landmarks: List<PoseLandmark>, edges: List<PoseEdge>) : FlatShape<DetectedPose>

This data class represents the human's pose detected on the given image.

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This data class represents a few detected poses on the given image.

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data class PoseEdge(start: PoseLandmark, end: PoseLandmark, probability: Float, label: String) : FlatShape<PoseEdge>

This data class represents the line connecting two points PoseLandmark of human's pose.

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data class PoseLandmark(x: Float, y: Float, probability: Float, label: String) : FlatShape<PoseLandmark>

This data class represents one point of the detected human's pose.