Package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.dataset.preprocessor.image
This image preprocessor defines centerCrop operation. It crops the given image at the center. If the image size is smaller than the output size along any edge, the image is padded with 0 and then center cropped.
Represents the image preprocessing stage of the org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.dataset.preprocessor.Preprocessing. Consists of the operations implementing ImagePreprocessing which are applied to the image one by one.
Basic interface for image preprocessors. It operates on BufferedImage.
Base class for ImagePreprocessor implementations. Allows to add additional features, such as saving output with ImageSaver.
Interface for saving image preprocessing output result.
When an image is resized, we need an interpolation algorithm to draw newly created pixels between old pixels.
This image preprocessor defines the Pad operation.
Type of padding to use.
The speed of single file preprocessing could be tuned via this setting.
This image preprocessor defines the Resize operation.
This image preprocessor defines the Rotate operation.
This ImageSaver allows saving image preprocessing result to file or directory in jpg format.
Applies CenterCrop operation to crop the image at the center.
Applies Convert operation to convert the image to ColorMode.GRAYSCALE.
Saves the result of the enclosing ImagePreprocessor to the specified location.