Package org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dl.dataset.preprocessor


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data class ImageShape(width: Long?, height: Long?, channels: Long?)

Helper class to keep widely used shape of image object presented as a 4D tensor (batchSize = 1, width, height, channels). null values are allowed for width, height and channels, indicating that the dimension size is unknown.

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class Normalizing : Preprocessor

This preprocessor defines normalizing operation. Given mean and std for n channels, this operation normalizes each channel of the input array, i.e.

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class Preprocessing

The data preprocessing pipeline presented as Kotlin DSL on receivers.

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interface Preprocessor

Basic interface for the data preprocessing.

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class Rescaling(scalingCoefficient: Float) : Preprocessor

This preprocessor defines the Rescaling operation. It scales each pixel pixel_i = pixel_i / scalingCoefficient.

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class TensorPreprocessing

Represents the tensor preprocessing stage of the Preprocessing. Consists of the operations implementing Preprocessor which are applied to the tensor one by one.


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fun FloatArray.mean(channels: Int = 1): FloatArray

Computes mean value for each channel of the array. Array size should be divisible by the passed channels number.

fun mean(vararg arrays: FloatArray, channels: Int = 1): FloatArray

Computes mean value for each channel of the provided arrays.

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fun TensorPreprocessing.normalize(block: Normalizing.() -> Unit)

Applies Normalizing preprocessor to the tensor to normalize it with given mean and std values.

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fun preprocess(init: Preprocessing.() -> Unit): Preprocessing

Defines preprocessing operations.

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fun TensorPreprocessing.rescale(block: Rescaling.() -> Unit)

Applies Rescaling preprocessor to the tensor to scale each value by a given coefficient.

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fun FloatArray.std(channels: Int = 1): FloatArray

Computes std value for each channel of the array. Array size should be divisible by the passed channels number.

fun std(vararg arrays: FloatArray, channels: Int = 1): FloatArray

Computes std value for each channel of the provided arrays.

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fun Preprocessing.transformImage(block: ImagePreprocessing.() -> Unit)

Defines preprocessing operations on the image.

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fun Preprocessing.transformTensor(block: TensorPreprocessing.() -> Unit)

Defines preprocessing operations on the tensor.