
@JvmName(name = "sinTD")
fun <T : Number, D : Dimension> MultiArray<T, D>.sin(): NDArray<Double, D>

Returns an ndarray of Double from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.

same as Math.sin

@JvmName(name = "sinFloatD")
fun <D : Dimension> MultiArray<Float, D>.sin(): NDArray<Float, D>

Returns an ndarray of Float from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.

same as Math.sin

@JvmName(name = "sinComplexFloatD")
fun <D : Dimension> MultiArray<ComplexFloat, D>.sin(): NDArray<ComplexFloat, D>

Returns an ndarray of ComplexFloat from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.

same as Math.sin

@JvmName(name = "sinComplexDoubleD")
fun <D : Dimension> MultiArray<ComplexDouble, D>.sin(): NDArray<ComplexDouble, D>

Returns an ndarray of ComplexDouble from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.

same as Math.sin

@JvmName(name = "sin")
fun <T : Number, D : Dimension> Math.sin(a: MultiArray<T, D>): NDArray<Double, D>

Returns an ndarray of Double from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.

@JvmName(name = "sinFloat")
fun <D : Dimension> Math.sin(a: MultiArray<Float, D>): NDArray<Float, D>

Returns an ndarray of Float from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.

@JvmName(name = "sinComplexFloat")
fun <D : Dimension> Math.sin(a: MultiArray<ComplexFloat, D>): NDArray<ComplexFloat, D>

Returns an ndarray of ComplexFloat from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.

@JvmName(name = "sinComplexDouble")
fun <D : Dimension> Math.sin(a: MultiArray<ComplexDouble, D>): NDArray<ComplexDouble, D>

Returns an ndarray of ComplexDouble from the given ndarray to each element of which a sin function has been applied.