Package org. jetbrains. kotlinx. multik. api. linalg
Returns the product of two numeric vectors.
Returns the matrix product of a numeric matrix and a numeric vector.
Returns the matrix product of two numeric matrices.
Returns the product of two complex vectors.
Returns the matrix product of a complex matrix and a complex vector.
Returns the matrix product of two complex matrices.
Dot products of two number vectors. Scalar product.
Dot products of number matrix and number vector.
Dot products of two number matrices.
Dot products of two complex vectors. Scalar product.
Dot products of complex matrix and complex vector.
Dot products of two complex matrices.
Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a numeric matrix
Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a complex matrix
Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a float matrix
Calculates the eigenvalues of a numeric matrix.
Calculates the eigenvalues of a float matrix
Returns inverse of a double matrix from numeric matrix
Returns inverse complex matrix
Returns inverse float matrix
Returns PLU decomposition of the numeric matrix
Returns PLU decomposition of the complex matrix
Returns PLU decomposition of the float matrix
Returns QR decomposition of the numeric matrix
Returns QR decomposition of the complex matrix
Returns QR decomposition of the float matrix
Solves a linear matrix equation, or system of linear scalar equations.