Dataframe 0.15 Help


Replaces one or several columns with new columns.

replace { columns } .with(newColumns) | .with { columnExpression } columnExpression: DataFrame.(DataColumn) -> DataColumn

See column selectors

df.replace { name }.with { name.firstName } df.replace { colsOf<String?>() }.with { it.lowercase() } df.replace { age }.with { 2021 - age named "year" }

Advanced example

To explore the power of the replace operation, let's consider the following example.

Let's create a DataFrame with column contributors pointing to JSON resources

fun testResource(resourcePath: String): URL =!! val interestingRepos = dataFrameOf("name", "url", "contributors")( "dataframe", "/dataframe", testResource("dataframeContributors.json"), "kotlin", "/kotlin", testResource("kotlinContributors.json"), )

We can use replace and with to read a DataFrame for every row in contributors, effectively converting it into FrameColumn.

The resulting FrameColumn can be used to create a GroupBy DataFrame and compute summary statistics or perform aggregation.

val contributors by column<URL>() val df = interestingRepos .replace { contributors } .with { it.mapNotNullValues { url -> DataFrame.readJsonStr(url.readText()) } } df.asGroupBy("contributors").max("contributions")
Last modified: 09 December 2024