A wrapper object to extend functionality and behaviour of static TensorFlow graph.
It tracks all model variables (used in optimizers or layers) and its initializers.
A serialized representation of the graph.
A prefix that will be prepended to names in graphDef.
Adds an initializer for layer variable tracked in KGraph.
Adds a variable used in layer to the pool of tracked variables.
Adds a variable used in optimizer to the pool of tracked variables.
Adds an optimizer initializer of special 'AssignAdd' type for optimizer variable tracked in KGraph.
Adds an optimizer initializer for optimizer variable tracked in KGraph.
Adds a variable related to the given regularizer to the pool of tracked variables.
Returns a list of non-trainable, 'frozen' variables used in layers.
Initializes TensorFlow graph variables used in model layers.
Initializes TensorFlow graph variables used in optimizer.
Returns the variable's ability to be changed during the training.
Returns all variables used in all model layers.
Returns all variables used in optimizer and initialized by Assign TensorFlow operand.
Returns a list of trainable variables used in layers.
Returns list of variable names in TensorFlow graph.