Because kandy 0.8.0-RC1 is still in development, this documentation may not be entirely accurate and is subject to change.

Density Plot Settings

Edit pageLast modified: 26 November 2023
val experimentalData = dataFrameOf(
    "length" to listOf(
        5.92, 6.44, 5.87, 4.99, 5.23,
        5.67, 4.89, 5.34, 5.78, 5.12,
        5.56, 5.23, 5.78, 6.01, 5.56,
        5.67, 5.89, 5.45, 6.12, 5.78,
        6.34, 5.67, 6.45, 5.34, 5.89,
        6.01, 5.78, 5.23, 5.67, 6.12,
        6.23, 5.45, 5.56, 5.67, 5.78,
        5.56, 6.23, 5.78, 6.34, 6.12,
        5.89, 6.45, 5.78, 6.34, 5.67,
        6.56, 5.45, 5.78, 5.89, 6.12,
        4.67, 4.79, 5.14, 5.28, 5.22,

experimentalData.plot {
    densityPlot("length", adjust = 0.8) {
        alpha = 0.5
        fillColor = Color.RED
        borderLine {
            color = Color.GREEN
            width = 0.5
        x.axis.name = "length"
    layout.title = "Flight length experiment"
Density Plot Settings