Edit pageLast modified: 11 December 2023Kandy can be integrated into Kotlin projects and interactive editors. Learn more in Getting Started.
This Quickstart uses Kandy in a Kotlin notebook, demonstrating a swift setup process.
Integrating Kandy
To include Kandy in your notebook, execute the following code in a cell:
%use kandy
This command makes all necessary classes and methods available for chart construction.
Crafting Your First Plot
Now, let's create a chart. Use the code below to build your first plot with Kandy:
val weatherData = mapOf(
"time" to listOf(0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9),
"temperature" to listOf(12.0, 14.2, 15.1, 15.9, 17.9, 15.6, 14.2, 24.3),
"humidity" to listOf(0.5, 0.32, 0.11, 0.89, 0.68, 0.57, 0.56, 0.5)
) // Combine data into a map
plot(weatherData) { // Begin plotting
x("time") // Set x-axis with time data
y("temperature") { // Set y-axis with temperature data
// Define scale for temperature (y-axis)
scale = continuous(0.0..25.5)
bars { // Add a bar layer
fillColor("humidity") { // Customizing bar colors based on humidity
// Setting the color range
scale = continuous(range = Color.YELLOW..Color.RED)
borderLine.width = 0.0 // Define border line width
line {
width = 3.0 // Set line width
color = Color.hex("#6e5596") // Define line color
type = LineType.DOTDASH // Specify the line type
layout { // Set plot layout
title = "Simple plot with kandy-lets-plot" // Add title
// Add caption
caption = "See `examples` section for more\n complicated and interesting examples!"
size = 700 to 450 // Plot dimension settings
This code results in your inaugural plot using Kandy.