Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


A scope acts as a container for declarations, including functions, properties, classes, and type aliases. When resolving a reference to a name, the compiler searches through a series of scopes to find the corresponding declaration. The order and types of scopes considered depend on the context of the reference.

In the Analysis API, scopes are visible through the KaScope interface. To get a scope, use the scope utilities defined on classes and scripts.


val declarations: Sequence<KaDeclarationSymbol>

All declarations available in the scope.

val classifiers: Sequence<KaClassifierSymbol>

All classifier declarations available in the scope.

fun classifiers(nameFilter: (Name) -> Boolean): Sequence<KaClassifierSymbol>

Classifier declarations available in the scope, filtered with the supplied nameFilter.

val callables: Sequence<KaCallableSymbol>

All callable declarations available in the scope.

fun callables(nameFilter: (Name) -> Boolean): Sequence<KaCallableSymbol>

Callable declarations available in the scope, filtered with the supplied nameFilter.

val constructors: Sequence<KaConstructorSymbol>

Constructor declarations available in the scope.

Last modified: 01 August 2024