Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


Represents a class, object, or interface declaration.

Use Cases

  • Analyzing class hierarchies. Use superTypes to navigate the inheritance hierarchy of a class and analyze its relationships with other classes and interfaces.

  • Exploring class members. Use declaredMemberScope and memberScope to access members of a class, including functions, properties, and nested classes.


Inherits from KaClassLikeSymbol.

Notable inheritors: KaNamedClassSymbol, KaAnonymousObjectSymbol.


val classKind: KaClassKind

The class kind (ordinary class, interface, enum class, etc.).

val superTypes: List<KaType>

A complete list of class supertypes up to Any.

Type utilities

fun KaClassSymbol.isSubClassOf(superClass: KaClassSymbol): Boolean

Check if the given class has superClass as its superclass in its inheritance hierarchy.

fun KaClassSymbol.isDirectSubClassOf(superClass: KaClassSymbol): Boolean

Check if the given class has superClass listed as its direct superclass.

Scope utilities

val KaDeclarationContainerSymbol.memberScope: KaScope

A scope with non-static callables and nested classes. Also includes members inherited from the supertypes.

val KaDeclarationContainerSymbol.declaredMemberScope: KaScope

A scope containing non-static callables and nested classes. Unlike memberScope, the returned scope does not contain members inherited from supertypes.

val KaDeclarationContainerSymbol.staticMemberScope: KaScope

A scope containing static members, possibly including members from supertypes. The behavior differs based on whether the declaration is a Kotlin or Java one.

For Kotlin classes, the scope contains static declarations declared only in the given declaration itself.

For Java classes, the scope also contains callables from supertypes, excluding static callables from super-interfaces. This follows Kotlin's rules about static inheritance in Java classes, where static callables are propagated from superclasses, but nested classes are not.

val KaDeclarationContainerSymbol.staticDeclaredMemberScope: KaScope

A scope containing static members of the given declaration. Unlike staticMemberScope, the returned scope does not contain members from supertypes.

val KaDeclarationContainerSymbol.combinedMemberScope: KaScope

A scope containing all declarations from both memberScope and staticMemberScope.

val KaDeclarationContainerSymbol.combinedDeclaredMemberScope: KaScope

A scope containing both non-static and static members of the given declaration. Unlike combinedMemberScope, the returned scope does not contain members from supertypes.

val KaDeclarationContainerSymbol.delegatedMemberScope: KaScope

A scope containing synthetic fields created by interface delegation.

Other utilities

val KaClassSymbol.annotationApplicableTargets: Set<KotlinTarget>?

A set of applicable targets for an annotation class symbol, or null if the symbol is not an annotation class.

Experimental API.

Last modified: 01 August 2024