Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help

Migrating from K1

For many years, the only practical way to analyze Kotlin code in IntelliJ IDEA and other tools was to use the Kotlin compiler's internals, an unsafe API not designed for external usage.

The Analysis API, on the other hand, offers a much cleaner and robust set of utilities. It exposes almost the same set of concepts. Thus, if you already have code that depends on the Kotlin compiler, migrating it to the new API should not be time-consuming. This migration guide outlines the differences between the APIs and explains how to port the descriptor-based resolution logic to the Analysis API.

Once an IntelliJ plugin has been migrated to the Analysis API, it will need to declare its compatibility with the K2 Kotlin mode in the plugin.xml. Otherwise, the plugin will not be loaded when the K2 mode is active.

The Conceptual Difference

The cornerstone of the old compiler API is a BindingContext, a universal dictionary:

  • BindingContext maps syntactic declarations (KtDeclaration) to their semantic parts, DeclarationDescriptors. For instance, for a KtFunction that represents a function in code, there is a FunctionDescriptor with semantic information, which includes resolved parameter and return types.

  • In a similar fashion, a type reference (KtTypeReference) is mapped to a KotlinType with resolved type attributes.

  • For calls, including KtCallExpression, there is a ResolvedCall object containing data collected by call resolution and inference machinery.

A BindingContext merely acts as a storage that is filled up during declaration analysis. In the compiler, an instance of BindingContext goes through the whole compilation pipeline, collecting more and more semantic information, and used later for code generation. The IDE does not, however, analyze the entire project at once, as it would take a lot of time. Instead, a declaration is analyzed only when some IDE feature needs to understand it better.

Therefore, in the IDE, a BindingContext only contains mappings for declarations that have already been analyzed. The correct filling and use of the dictionary is the caller's responsibility.

Moreover, classes such as DeclarationDescriptor and KotlinType do not have any specific lifecycle, so there's nothing stopping them from being passed around or cached. This is unfortunate because these classes usually retain the entire compiler resolution session, a very heavy tree of objects. As sporadic errors on outdated descriptor usage are rare, it becomes easy to inadvertently create a substantial memory leak.

The Analysis API significantly simplifies this by offering a single analyze {} entry point. Inside the analysis block, all declarations are analyzed on-demand, eliminating occasional "descriptor was not found for declaration" errors. Further, entities representing declarations and types can only be accessed from within the owning analysis block. This way, The Analysis API not only guards against memory leaks but also ensures that all analysis results are consistent.

Analysis Entry Point

The Kotlin 1.0 compiler itself does not offer any stable code analysis entry points. However, the Kotlin IntelliJ IDEA plugin, which is built on top of the compiler, does provide several:

// Simply returns a 'BindingContext' containing "certain" information about the element fun KtElement.analyze(bodyResolveMode: BodyResolveMode): BindingContext // Returns the semantic declaration abstraction, calls 'analyze()' under the hood fun KtDeclaration.resolveToDescriptorIfAny(bodyResolveMode: BodyResolveMode): DeclarationDescriptor? // Returns the resolved call information, also delegates to 'analyze()' fun KtElement.resolveToCall(bodyResolveMode: BodyResolveMode): ResolvedCall<out CallableDescriptor>?

These are not the only ones available – there are numerous more sophisticated ones, including analyzeWithAllCompilerChecks(), analyzeWithContent(), analyzeInContext(), and others.

In contrast, the Analysis API offers a single analyze {} entry point. Most of the API surface is accessible inside the lambda, including the symbol extension property that maps a KtDeclaration to its symbol:

analyze(declaration) { // 'KaSymbol' is similar to 'DeclarationDescriptor' val symbol: KaSymbol = declaration.symbol }

This is not just a syntax difference. The Analysis API requires all analysis-related code to be housed in a single location. You can, of course, extract parts of the logic to separate functions, and even create your set of utilities. Nevertheless, you cannot freely mix symbols from unrelated analysis sessions.

While this change might seem like a significant new restriction, it actually has always been in place. Careless handling of BindingContext and its contents was often a source of exceptions, incorrect behavior, and leaks. Therefore, the new API naturally guides you on how to analyze the code correctly.

You can read more about the API entity lifetime in the KaLifetimeOwner documentation section.


Both the old compiler API and the Analysis API are built on top of PsiElement, the API in IntelliJ IDEA responsible for creating syntax trees. However, unlike some other language implementations, Kotlin distinctly separates PSI and semantic declaration representation. Refer to the Symbols vs. PSI section for additional information.

In the old compiler, this semantic representation is called DeclarationDescriptor. There are specific interfaces for each declaration type, including ClassDescriptor, FunctionDescriptor, and PropertyDescriptor. Descriptors are obtained from a BindingContext:

val descriptor: DeclarationDescriptor = bindingContext[BindingContext.DECLARATION_TO_DESCRIPTOR, declaration]

In the Analysis API, a concept similar to descriptors is named KaSymbol. Just like descriptors, there are KaClassSymbol, KaFunctionSymbol, and KaPropertySymbol.

To get a symbol for a KtDeclaration, simply use the symbol extension property. symbol is overloaded for subtypes of KaSymbol, meaning that if you call it on some specific declaration type, you will get a more precise symbol type. For instance:

val property: KtProperty = ... analyze(property) { val symbol = property.symbol // symbol is a 'KaPropertySymbol' }

For a KtClassOrObject, however, symbol will return just a KaDeclarationSymbol. The reason for this is Kotlin PSI's legacy: A KtEnumEntry is a subtype of KtClassOrObject, whereas in K2, an enum entry is a variable. So, you may wish to use ktClassOrObject.classSymbol instead, as it will return a KaClassSymbol?.

Approach the symbol documentation for more detailed information about symbols.

Declaration Names

In the old compiler, FqName was often used to store fully-qualified declaration names. Although it is a straightforward abstraction, FqName cannot differentiate between package and classifier components. For instance, in foo.Bar.Baz, Bar could either be a package or an outer class name. While Kotlin's coding conventions discourage capitalized package names, technically it remains possible. Consequently, the Analysis API employs a different abstraction for storing qualified names, namely ClassId for classes and CallableId for functions and properties.

To construct a ClassId, merely pass its text representation to ClassId.fromString(). The slashes / separate package components, whereas dots . distinguish nested class names.

val intClassId = ClassId.fromString("kotlin/Int") val nestedClassId = ClassId.fromString("foo/bar/Outer.Nested")

The StandardClassIds class provides ClassIds for many common class names from the Kotlin standard library.

You can construct a CallableId by supplying either an outer ClassId or a package FqName and a callable name.

val suspendCallableId = CallableId(FqName("kotlin"), Name.identifier("suspend")) val equalsCallableId = CallableId(ClassId("kotlin/Any"), Name.identifier("equals"))


Class-related hierarchies are quite similar in both K1 and K2 APIs.


The difference is that in the Analysis API, named and anonymous classes have distinct subclasses.

Getting simple and qualified class names

Old API: classDescriptor.name, classDescriptor.classId, classDescriptor.fqNameSafe

Analysis API: classSymbol.name, classSymbol.classId (FqName represents nested classes ambiguously, always use ClassId)

Checking class kind

Old API: classDescriptor.kind == ClassKind.INTERFACE

Analysis API: classSymbol.classKind == KaClassKind.INTERFACE

Checking ordinary class traits

Old API: classDescriptor.isData

Analysis API: (classSymbol as? KaNamedClassSymbol)?.isData (anonymous classes cannot be data)

Getting class supertypes

Old API: classDescriptor.typeConstructor.supertypes

Analysis API: classSymbol.superTypes

There is no TypeConstructor abstraction in the Analysis API. Use symbols directly.

Getting class declarations

Old API: classDescriptor.unsubstitutedMemberScope.getContributedDescriptors()

Analysis API: classSymbol.memberScope.declarations (or classifiers, callables for specific kinds)


Both APIs have almost the same set of classes representing functions, constructors and property accessors.


In the Analysis API, the hierarchy is rather flat. The most significant change is that anonymous function is not an ordinary "named" function anymore.

Getting simple and qualified callable names

Old API: functionDescriptor.fqNameSafe

Analysis API: functionDescriptor.callableId

Getting parameter and return types

Old API: functionDescriptor.valueParameters.map { it.type }, functionDescriptor.returnType

Analysis API: functionSymbol.valueParameters.map { it.returnType }, functionSymbol.returnType

Checking function visibility

Old API: functionDescriptor.visibility == DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC

Analysis API: functionSymbol.visibility == KaSymbolVisibility.PUBLIC

Checking function traits

Old API: functionDescriptor.isInline

Analysis API: functionSymbol.isInline


In the old API, the variable hierarchy was quite basic.


In the Analysis API, backing fields, receiver parameters enum entries became a part of the variable hierarchy. The changes reflect evolution of these concepts in the language and the K2 compiler.

Getting getter and setter

Old API: propertyDescriptor.getter, propertyDescriptor.setter

Analysis API: propertySymbol.getter, propertySymbol.setter

Getting a return type

Old API: propertyDescriptor.type

Analysis API: propertySymbol.returnType

Calls and references

Check out the difference between reference and call resolution in the References and calls article.

The old API offered a single ResolveCall class that represented all kinds of calls (successful and error calls, simple and compound calls). For compound calls, ResolveCall itself represents only one of calls, while additional data was available in quite obscure places, like CallTransformer.CallForImplicitInvoke.

The Analysis API makes the distinction between calls explicit, making it harder to forget about more sophisticated call kinds.


In addition, the Analysis API separates successful and error calls. In the IDE, the user edits and refactors code all the time, and source files often contain unresolved or ambiguous references. Handling them properly (or skipping them) during static checks is important.

Resolving a reference

Old API: bindingContext[BindingContext.REFERENCE_TARGET, referenceExpression]

Analysis API: referenceExpression.mainReference.resolveToSymbol()

Resolving a successful call

Old API: expression.getResolvedCall(bindingContext)?.takeIf { it.isReallySuccess() }

Analysis API: expression.resolveToCall().successfulCallOrNull()

Getting parameter-argument mapping

Old API:

val call = unaryExpression.getResolvedCall(bindingContext) ?: return call.valueArguments

Analysis API:

val call = expression.resolveToCall()?.successfulFunctionCallOrNull() ?: return call.argumentMapping
Getting dispatch and extension receivers

Old API:

val call: ResolvedCall<*> = ... operatorCall.dispatchReceiver operatorCall.extensionReceiver

Analysis API:

val call: KaCallableMemberCall<*, *> = ... call.partiallyAppliedSymbol.dispatchReceiver call.partiallyAppliedSymbol.extensionReceiver


The old compiler had a sophisticated hierarchy of KotlinTypes, including wrapped, deferred and delegating types. The Analysis API provides much simpler API that actually represents all language types.


The KaType is a base interface for all Kotlin types. The most common type kind is a KaClassType, which represents not-null and nullable class types, such as kotlin.Int or List<String>?.

Check the type documentation for more details.

Resolving a type reference

Old API: context[BindingContext.TYPE, typeReference]

Analysis API: typeReference.type

Getting an expression type

Old API: expression.getType(bindingContext)

Analysis API: expression.expressionType

Checking for a built-in type

Old API: KotlinBuiltIns.isUnit(type)

Analysis API: type.isUnitType

Checking for a primitive type

Old API: KotlinBuiltIns.isPrimitiveType(type)

Analysis API: type.isPrimitive


Getting a containing declaration

Old API: descriptor.containingDeclaration

Analysis API: symbol.containingDeclaration or symbol.containingSymbol

Checking for annotation presence

Old API: descriptor.annotations.hasAnnotation(FqName("kotlin.jvm.JvmName"))

Analysis API: ClassId.fromString("kotlin/jvm/JvmName") in symbol.annotations

Check the Annotations documentation for more details.


Below, the same annotation check is implemented with the old compiler API, and with the Analysis API.

Using the old compiler API

val SPECIAL_ANNOTATION_NAME = FqName("my.app.Special") fun hasAnnotation(declaration: KtDeclaration): Boolean { val bindingContext = declaration.analyze() val descriptor = bindingContext[BindingContext.DECLARATION_TO_DESCRIPTOR, declaration] ?: return false return descriptor.annotations.hasAnnotation(SPECIAL_ANNOTATION_NAME) }

Using Analysis API

val SPECIAL_ANNOTATION_CLASS_ID = ClassId.fromString("my/app/Special") fun hasAnnotation(declaration: KtDeclaration): Boolean { analyze(declaration) { return SPECIAL_ANNOTATION_CLASS_ID in declaration.symbol.annotations } }
Last modified: 01 August 2024