Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


Annotations play a crucial role in Kotlin, providing metadata and influencing code behavior. The Analysis API allows you to access and analyze annotations applied to both declarations and types.


KaAnnotated is an interface exposing a list of annotations. All types and almost all symbols implement it.


The only property KaAnnotated declares is annotations of the KaAnnotationList type. KaAnnotationList itself is implements a List<KaAnnotation>, so you can directly iterate over annotations:

fun KaSession.processAnnotations(symbol: KaDeclarationSymbol) { for (anno in symbol.annotations) { // Process the 'annotation' } }

KaAnnotationsList is not just a list. It can also efficiently check whether an annotation with some ClassId is there:

fun KaSession.hasDeprecatedAnnotation(symbol: KaDeclarationSymbol) { val classId = ClassId.fromString("kotlin/Deprecated") return classId in symbol.annotations }

You can also get a list of annotations with a specific ClassId. Kotlin allows repeatable annotations, so a list of them is returned:

fun KaSession.findDeprecatedAnnotation(symbol: KaDeclarationSymbol): KaAnnotation? { val classId = ClassId.fromString("kotlin/Deprecated") return symbol.annotations[classId].firstOrNull() }

Finally, KaAnnotationList exposes a collection of all annotation ClassIds:

fun KaSession.collectAnnotations(types: List<KaType>): Set<ClassId> { return types.flatMapTo(HashSet()) { it.annotations.classIds } }

Use-Site Targets

Annotations on declarations can have use-site targets, specifying where the annotation applies (e.g., property, field, or parameter). You can use the useSiteTarget property of KtAnnotation to access this information.

Last modified: 01 August 2024