Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


Represents a named class, object, or interface declaration. Basically, covers all class-like declarations, excluding anonymous objects.

Use Cases

  • Checking for specific class features. Use properties like isData, isInner, and isCompanion to determine if the class has specific characteristics.

Also see use cases for the KaClassSymbol supertype.


Inherits from KaClassSymbol.


val name: Name

The simple declaration name, e.g., String for kotlin.String.

val companionObject: KaNamedClassSymbol?

The nested companion object, or null if there is no companion object.

val contextReceivers: List<KaContextReceiver>

A list of context receivers.

Experimental API.

val isExternal: Boolean

true if the declaration has the external modifier.

val isData: Boolean

true if the declaration is a data class.

val isInline: Boolean

true if the declaration is an inline class.

val isFun: Boolean

true if the declaration is a fun interface.

val isInner: Boolean

true if the declaration is an inner class.

val typeParameters: List<KaTypeParameterSymbol>

A list of declared type parameters.

Type utilities

val KaNamedClassSymbol.defaultType: KaType

A class type where type parameters are substituted with matching type parameter types, e.g., List<T> for the List class.

Relation utilities

val KaNamedClassSymbol.sealedClassInheritors: List<KaNamedClassSymbol>

Inheritors of the given sealed class.

Last modified: 01 August 2024