Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


Represents a declaration, such as a class, function, or property.


Inherits from KaSymbol, KaAnnotated.


val annotations: KaAnnotationList

A list of applied annotations.

val modality: KaSymbolModality

Effective declaration modality (e.g., final, sealed, or open).

val visibility: KaSymbolVisibility

Effective declaration visibility (e.g., public, protected, or private).

val isExpect: Boolean

true if the declaration is an expect one.

val isActual: Boolean

true if the declaration is an actual one.

val KaDeclarationSymbol.typeParameters: List<KaTypeParameterSymbol>

A list of type parameters for KaTypeParameterOwnerSymbol, an empty list otherwise.

Experimental API.


fun KaDeclarationSymbol.render(renderer: KaDeclarationRenderer = KaDeclarationRendererForSource.WITH_QUALIFIED_NAMES): String

Render the given declaration to a String. The particular rendering strategy is defined by the renderer.

Experimental API.

Last modified: 01 August 2024