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A base class for symbols that represent callable declarations, such as functions and properties.


A sealed class.
Inherits from KaDeclarationSymbol.

Notable inheritors: KaFunctionSymbol, KaVariableSymbol.


val callableId: CallableId?

The fully-qualified name of a declaration, or null if the declaration is a local one.

val returnType: KaType

The declaration's return type. For properties, the type of the property.

val isExtension: Boolean

true if the declaration is an extension function or an extension property.

val receiverParameter: KaReceiverParameterSymbol?

The receiver parameter, or null if the declaration is not an extension.

Type utilities

val KaCallableSymbol.receiverType: KaType?

The receiver parameter type, or null if the declaration is not an extension.

Relation utilities

val KaCallableSymbol.directlyOverriddenSymbols: Sequence<KaCallableSymbol>

A sequence of declarations directly overridden by the given declaration.

E.g., if A.foo overrides B.foo, and B.foo overrides C.foo, only B.foo will be returned as a directly overridden declaration for C.foo.

val KaCallableSymbol.allOverriddenSymbols: Sequence<KaCallableSymbol>

A sequence of declarations overridden by the given declaration, both directly and indirectly.

E.g., if A.foo overrides B.foo, and B.foo overrides C.foo, both A.foo and B.foo will be returned as overridden declarations for C.foo.

val KaCallableSymbol.fakeOverrideOriginal: KaCallableSymbol

The original declared symbol for a substitution or intersection override.

Fake overrides are unwrapped until the original declared symbol is found. For callables that are not fake overrides, returns the given callable itself.

val KaCallableSymbol.intersectionOverriddenSymbols: List<KaCallableSymbol>
interface Foo<T> { fun foo(value: T) } interface Bar { fun foo(value: String) } interface Both : Foo<String>, Bar

The Both interface contains an automatically generated intersection override declaration foo().

Last modified: 01 August 2024