Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help

Java/Kotlin Bridging

While the Analysis API exposes declarations and types from the Kotlin standpoint, it works also with Java source and library declarations. The API provides a set of utilities for converting between Kotlin and Java views of declarations.


In IntelliJ IDEA, PsiType is a representation for Java types. Conceptually, it is similar to KaType. The Analysis API provides mapping between the two representations.

fun PsiType.asKaType(useSitePosition: PsiElement): KaType?

Convert the given Java type to a KaType. useSitePosition is the context element used to gather additional information related to the Java type usage.

Experimental API.

fun KaType.asPsiType(useSitePosition: PsiElement, allowErrorTypes: Boolean, mode: KaTypeMappingMode = KaTypeMappingMode.DEFAULT, isAnnotationMethod: Boolean = false, suppressWildcards: Boolean? = null, preserveAnnotations: Boolean = true): PsiType?

Convert the given Kotlin type to a PsiType.

useSitePosition is used to determine if the local type needs to be approximated.

Experimental API.

fun KaType.mapToJvmType(mode: TypeMappingMode = TypeMappingMode.DEFAULT): Type

Convert the given Kotlin type to a JVM ASM type.

Experimental API.

val KaType.isPrimitiveBacked: Boolean

true if the type is backed by a primitive JVM type.

Experimental API.


The Analysis API can create symbols for Java declarations.

val PsiClass.namedClassSymbol: KaNamedClassSymbol?

Map a Java class to a class symbol. Always null for anonymous classes and type parameters (that are also PsiClasses).

Experimental API.

val PsiMember.callableSymbol: KaCallableSymbol?

Map a Java method or a field to a callable symbol. Always null for local Java declarations.

Experimental API.

Other utilities

val KaCallableSymbol.containingJvmClassName: String?

The fully qualified class name containing the callable (in the foo.bar.Class.Companion format).

Experimental API.

val KaPropertySymbol.javaGetterName: Name

The JVM getter method name for the given property symbol.

val KaPropertySymbol.javaSetterName: Name?

The JVM setter method name for the given property symbol.

Last modified: 01 August 2024