Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


The Analysis API allows you to access and analyze compiler diagnostics (errors and warnings) associated with entire files or specific elements.

Diagnostics in a KtFile

To collect diagnostics for an entire file, use collectDiagnostics():

analyze(ktFile) { val diagnostics = ktFile .collectDiagnostics(KaDiagnosticCheckerFilter.ONLY_COMMON_CHECKERS) .filterIsInstance<KaFirDiagnostic.WrongAnnotationTarget>() }

The KaDiagnosticCheckerFilter enum allows you to control which kinds of diagnostics are included:

  • ONLY_COMMON_CHECKERS: Includes diagnostics only from the compiler checkers.

  • ONLY_EXTENDED_CHECKERS: Includes diagnostics from extended checkers (that typically run only in the IDE).

  • EXTENDED_AND_COMMON_CHECKERS: Includes diagnostics from both common and extended checkers.

Diagnostics on an element

To get diagnostics for a specific element, use diagnostics:

analyze(ktElement) { val diagnostics = ktElement .diagnostics(KaDiagnosticCheckerFilter.ONLY_COMMON_CHECKERS) }

Note that the returned list of diagnostics does not include diagnostics for nested KtElements.


collectDiagnostics and diagnostics return a collection of KtDiagnosticWithPsi instances. This interface provides access to information about the diagnostic.




The severity of the diagnostic (e.g., ERROR, WARNING).


The name of the diagnostic factory that produced the diagnostic.


The default message associated with the diagnostic.


The PsiElement to which the diagnostic is attached.


The text ranges within the psi element that are relevant to the diagnostic.

Last modified: 01 August 2024