
Edit pageLast modified: 08 November 2024

Candlestick is a type of chart commonly used in financial markets to represent the price movement of an asset, such as stocks or cryptocurrencies. It consists of individual "candles" that display the opening, closing, high, and low prices for a specific time period. Each candle has a rectangular body, representing the opening and closing prices, and thin lines, called wicks or shadows, indicating the highest and lowest prices during that time frame.

Candlestick charts often use colors to visually indicate whether the value within a specific candle has increased or decreased. For example, a positive price movement is typically represented by a green candle, indicating that the closing price is higher than the opening price (and by a red color otherwise). Basically "candlestick" main statistic is an indicator of whether the price has increased.

This guide describes comprehensively the process of building candlestick chart and all the details of its customization.

This notebook uses definitions from DataFrame.