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Core extension points

Core extension points represent the main stages of generating documentation.

These extension points are plugin and output format independent, meaning it's the very core functionality and as low-level as can get in Dokka.

For higher-level extension functions that can be used in different output formats, have a look at the Base plugin.

You can find all core extensions in the CoreExtensions class:

object CoreExtensions {
    val preGenerationCheck by coreExtensionPoint<PreGenerationChecker>()
    val generation by coreExtensionPoint<Generation>()
    val sourceToDocumentableTranslator by coreExtensionPoint<SourceToDocumentableTranslator>()
    val documentableMerger by coreExtensionPoint<DocumentableMerger>()
    val documentableTransformer by coreExtensionPoint<DocumentableTransformer>()
    val documentableToPageTranslator by coreExtensionPoint<DocumentableToPageTranslator>()
    val pageTransformer by coreExtensionPoint<PageTransformer>()
    val renderer by coreExtensionPoint<Renderer>()
    val postActions by coreExtensionPoint<PostAction>()

On this page, we'll go over each extension point individually.


PreGenerationChecker can be used to run some checks and constraints.

For example, Dokka's Javadoc plugin does not support generating documentation for multi-platform projects, so it uses PreGenerationChecker to check for multi-platform source sets, and fails if it finds any.


Generation is responsible for generating documentation as a whole, utilizing higher-level extensions and extension points where applicable.

See Generation implementations to learn about the default implementations.


SourceToDocumentableTranslator translates any given sources into the Documentable model.

Kotlin and Java sources are supported by default by the Base plugin, but you can analyze any language as long as you can map it to the Documentable model.

For reference, see

  • DefaultDescriptorToDocumentableTranslator for Kotlin sources translation
  • DefaultPsiToDocumentableTranslator for Java sources translation


DocumentableMerger merges all DModule instances into one. Only one extension of this type is expected to be registered.


DocumentableTransformer performs the same function as PreMergeDocumentableTransformer, but after merging source sets.

Notable example is InheritorsExtractorTransformer, it extracts inheritance information from source sets and creates an inheritance map.


DocumentableToPageTranslator is responsible for creating pages and their content. See Page / Content model page for more information and examples.

Output formats can either use the same page structure or define their own.

Only a single extension of this type is expected to be registered.


PageTransformer is useful if you need to add, remove or modify generated pages or their content.

Using this extension point, plugins like org.jetbrains.dokka:mathjax-pligin can add .js scripts to the HTML pages.

If you want all overloaded functions to be rendered on the same page instead of separate ones, you can use PageTransformer to combine the pages into a single one.


Renderer - defines the rules on how to render pages and their content: which files to create and how to display the content properly.

Custom output format plugins should use the Renderer extension point. Notable examples are HtmlRenderer and CommonmarkRenderer.


PostAction can be used for when you want to run some actions after the documentation has been generated - for example, if you want to move some files around or log some informational messages.

Dokka's Versioning plugin utilizes PostAction to move generated documentation to the versioned directories.