Dataframe 0.15 Help

Get started with Kotlin DataFrame on Gradle

This page explains how to:

  • Set up the Kotlin DataFrame library in an IntelliJ IDEA project with Gradle.

  • Import and manipulate data.

  • Export data.

Create a Kotlin project

  1. In IntelliJ IDEA, select File | New | Project.

  2. In the panel on the left, select New Project.

  3. Name the new project and change its location, if necessary.

  4. From the Language list, select Kotlin.

  5. Select the Gradle build system.

  6. From the JDK list, select the JDK that you want to use in your project. The minimum supported version is JDK 8.

    • If the JDK is installed on your computer, but not defined in the IDE, select Add JDK and specify the path to the JDK home directory.

    • If you don't have the necessary JDK on your computer, select Download JDK.

  7. From the Gradle DSL list, select Kotlin or Groovy.

  8. Select the Add sample code checkbox to create a file with a sample "Hello World!" application.

  9. Click Create.

You have successfully created a project with Gradle.

Update Gradle dependencies

In your Gradle build file (build.gradle.kts), add the Kotlin DataFrame library as a dependency:

plugins { id("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dataframe") version "0.15.0" } dependencies { implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:dataframe:0.15.0") }
plugins { id "org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dataframe" version "0.15.0" } dependencies { implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:dataframe:0.15.0' }

Add imports

In src/main/kotlin/Main.kt, add the following imports at the top of the file:

import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dataframe.DataFrame import* import org.jetbrains.kotlinx.dataframe.api.*

Import data

Download the file movies.csv from here to the root directory of your project:

Delete the println() functions and comments from your main function in Main.kt.

To import the movie sample data into a data frame and print it inside your main function in Main.kt, add the following code:

// Import your data to a data frame var df ="movies.csv") // Print your data frame df.print()

Manipulate data

To print some information about your data frame and sort your data, add the following additional lines of code:

// Print some information about the data frame println(df.columnNames()) // Print column names println(df.count()) // Print number of rows // Sort your data alphabetically by title df = df.sortBy("title") // Filter your data so that only comedy films remain, and print df = df.filter { "genres"<String>().contains("Comedy") } df.print()

Export data

To export the current version of your data frame in CSV format, add the following additional lines of code and run Main.kt.

// Export your manipulated data to CSV format df.writeCSV("movies-by-title.csv")
movieId title genres 0 9b30aff7943f44579e92c261f3adc193 Women in Black (1997) Fantasy|Suspenseful|Comedy 1 2a1ba1fc5caf492a80188e032995843e Bumblebee Movie (2007) Comedy|Jazz|Family|Animation 2 f44ceb4771504342bb856d76c112d5a6 Magical School Boy and the Rock of Wi... Fantasy|Growing up|Magic 3 43d02fb064514ff3bd30d1e3a7398357 Master of the Jewlery: The Company of... Fantasy|Magic|Suspenseful 4 6aa0d26a483148998c250b9c80ddf550 Sun Conflicts: Part IV: A Novel Espai... Fantasy 5 eace16e59ce24eff90bf8924eb6a926c The Outstanding Bulk (2008) Fantasy|Superhero|Family 6 ae916bc4844a4bb7b42b70d9573d05cd In Automata (2014) Horror|Existential 7 c1f0a868aeb44c5ea8d154ec3ca295ac Interplanetary (2014) Sci-fi|Futuristic 8 9595b771f87f42a3b8dd07d91e7cb328 Woods Run (1994) Family|Drama 9 aa9fc400e068443488b259ea0802a975 Anthropod-Dude (2002) Superhero|Fantasy|Family|Growing up 10 22d20c2ba11d44cab83aceea39dc00bd The Chamber (2003) Comedy|Drama 11 8cf4d0c1bd7b41fab6af9d92c892141f That Thing About an Iceberg (1997) Drama|History|Family|Romance 12 c2f3e7588da84684a7d78d6bd8d8e1f4 Vehicles (2006) Animation|Family 13 ce06175106af4105945f245161eac3c7 Playthings Tale (1995) Animation|Family 14 ee28d7e69103485c83e10b8055ef15fb Metal Man 2 (2010) Fantasy|Superhero|Family 15 c32bdeed466f4ec09de828bb4b6fc649 Surgeon Odd in the Omniverse of Crazy... Fantasy|Superhero|Family|Horror 16 d4a325ab648a42c4a2d6f35dfabb387f Bad Dream on Pine Street (1984) Horror 17 60ebe74947234ddcab49dea1a958faed The Shimmering (1980) Horror 18 f24327f2b05147b197ca34bf13ae3524 Krubit: Societal Teachings for Do Man... Comedy 19 2bb29b3a245e434fa80542e711fd2cee This is No Movie (1950) (no genres listed) [movieId, title, genres] 20 movieId title genres 0 2a1ba1fc5caf492a80188e032995843e Bumblebee Movie (2007) Comedy|Jazz|Family|Animation 1 f24327f2b05147b197ca34bf13ae3524 Krubit: Societal Teachings for Do Man... Comedy 2 22d20c2ba11d44cab83aceea39dc00bd The Chamber (2003) Comedy|Drama 3 9b30aff7943f44579e92c261f3adc193 Women in Black (1997) Fantasy|Suspenseful|Comedy

Congratulations! You have successfully used the Kotlin DataFrame library to import, manipulate and export data.

Next steps

Last modified: 09 December 2024