Dataframe 0.13 Help


Returns DataFrame with general statistics for all ValueColumns.

describe [ columns ]

ColumnGroup and FrameColumns are traversed recursively down to ValueColumns.

Collected statistics:

  • name — column name

  • path — path to the column (for hierarchical DataFrame)

  • type — type of values

  • count — number of rows

  • unique — number of unique values

  • nulls — number of null values

  • top — the most common not null value

  • freqtop value frequency

  • mean — mean value (for numeric columns)

  • std — standard deviation (for numeric columns)

  • min — minimal value (for comparable columns)

  • median — median value (for comparable columns)

  • max — maximum value (for comparable columns)


To describe only specific columns, pass them as an argument:

df.describe { age and name.allCols() }
val age by column<Int>() val name by columnGroup() df.describe { age and name.allCols() }
df.describe { "age" and "name".allCols() }
Last modified: 18 July 2024