
Target name consisting of two parts: a configurableName that could be configured by a user, and an targetName that names a target platform and could not be configured by a user.

When serialized, the target represented as a tuple <targetName>.<canonicalName>, like ios.iosArm64. If both names are the same (they are by default, unless a user decides to use a custom name), the serialized from is shortened to a single term. For example, macosArm64.macosArm64 and macosArm64 are a long and a short serialized forms of the same target.


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object Companion


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A name of a target that could be configured by a user in a build script. Usually, it's the same name as targetName.

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An actual name of a target that remains unaffected by a custom name settings in a build script.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String