Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


Represents a property declaration.


Inherits from KaVariableSymbol.


val typeParameters: List<KaTypeParameterSymbol>

A list of declared type parameters.

val initializer: KaInitializerValue?

The property initializer.

val hasGetter: Boolean

true if the property has a getter.

val getter: KaPropertyGetterSymbol?

The property getter.

val hasSetter: Boolean

true if the property has a setter.

val setter: KaPropertySetterSymbol?

The property setter.

val hasBackingField: Boolean

true if the property has a backing field.

val backingFieldSymbol: KaBackingFieldSymbol?

The backing field symbol.

val isDelegatedProperty: Boolean

true if the property has a delegate.

val isFromPrimaryConstructor: Boolean

true if the property is defined in a class primary constructor.

val isOverride: Boolean

true if the property is an override.

val isStatic: Boolean

true if the property is static.


val KaPropertySymbol.getterDeprecationStatus: DeprecationInfo?

Deprecation status for the property getter, or nil if the getter is not deprecated.

Experimental API.

val KaPropertySymbol.setterDeprecationStatus: DeprecationInfo?

Deprecation status for the property setter, or nil if the getter is not deprecated.

Experimental API.

Last modified: 23 July 2024