Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


Represents Kotlin function types, such as (String) -> Int or suspend () -> List<Any>.


Inherits from KaClassType.


val isSuspend: Boolean

true if the type is a suspend function type.

val isReflectType: Boolean

true if the type is a reflect function type (kotlin.reflection.KFunctionN).

val arity: Int

The number of type parameters.

val parameterTypes: List<KaType>

A list of parameter types. Not to confuse with typeArguments which also include the function return type.

val returnType: KaType

The function return type.

val hasReceiver: Boolean

true if the given type is an extension function type.

val receiverType: KaType?

The extension receiver type, or null if the given type is not an extension function type.

val hasContextReceivers: Boolean

true if the function type has context receiver parameters.

Experimental API.

val contextReceivers: List<KaContextReceiver>

A list of context receiver parameters.

Experimental API.

Last modified: 23 July 2024