Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


KaAnnotationValue represents the value of an annotation argument. Annotation values must be compile-time constants and can be of the following types:

  • Primitive Types: Includes Int, Long, Short, Byte, Char, Boolean, Float, Double, and their unsigned counterparts.

  • String: A string literal.

  • Enum Entry: A reference to an enum entry.

  • Class Reference: A reference to a class using the ::class syntax.

  • Annotation: A nested annotation call.

  • Array: An array of any of the above types.


val sourcePsi: KtElement?

The annotation value PsiElement. Only defined for annotations in source files, for libraries it always returns null.



Represents a constant value, e.g., "foo" in @JvmName("foo").

val value: KaConstantValue

A constant value (a number, Boolean, Char, or a String, wrapped into a KaConstantValue abstraction).


Represents a enum entry value, e.g., Color.RED.

val callableId: CallableId?

The enum entry name.


Represents a class literal value, e.g., String::class or Array<String>::class.

public val type: KaType

The class reference type.


Represents a nested annotation, e.g., ReplaceWith("bar()") in @Deprecated("Use 'bar()' instead", ReplaceWith("bar()")).

val annotation: KaAnnotation

The nested annotation.


Represents an array of other annotation values, passed either as arrayOf(...) or as a collection literal [...].

val values: Collection<KaAnnotationValue>

A list of annotation values inside the array.


Represents unsupported (invalid) expressions passed as annotation values.

Last modified: 23 July 2024