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Kover migration guide from 0.6.x to 0.7.6

Migration steps

To migrate to version 0.7.6, you must follow all steps below if they are applicable to your project.

Merge reports config was removed

Now all Kotlin report tasks (koverHtmlReport, koverXmlReport, koverVerify) are in single copy, they can be both single-project or merged cross-projects reports.

To make Kover tasks merged now you need specify as a dependency all the projects used.

For example:

dependencies {

in this case report will be generated for current project joined with core and utils projects.

If you don’t specify these dependencies, then the reports will be generated only for the current project.

Kotlin JVM and Kotlin Multiplatform projects

If you using merged-reports move all report configurations from koverMerged extension (with type kotlinx.kover.api.KoverMergedConfig) to default reports configuration block.

Kotlin Android projects

If you using merged-reports move all report configurations from koverMerged extension (with type kotlinx.kover.api.KoverMergedConfig) to Android reports configuration block.

New report configurations

Now all report settings are moved to a separate extension.

Report settings for Kotlin JVM and Kotlin Multiplatform projects

XML, HTML, verify reports configured in special Kover extension

koverReport {
    defaults {
        // reports configs for XML, HTML, verify reports

With Gradle API syntax:

for kts build script

extensions.configure<kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.KoverReportExtension> {
    defaults {
        // reports configs for XML, HTML, verify reports

for Groovy build script

extensions.configure(kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.KoverReportExtension.class) {
    defaults {
        // reports configs for XML, HTML, verify reports

Report settings for Android projects

For Android, you may configure report for a certain build variant (Build Type + Flavor)

koverReport {
    androidReports("release") {
        // reports configs for XML, HTML, verify reports for 'release' build variant 

With Gradle API syntax:

for kts build script

extensions.configure<kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.KoverReportExtension> {
    androidReports("release") {
        // reports configs for XML, HTML, verify reports for 'release' build variant 

for Groovy build script

extensions.configure(kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.KoverReportExtension.class) {
    androidReports("release") {
        // reports configs for XML, HTML, verify reports for 'release' build variant 

Reports configs

Full list of report configurations with descriptions.

Use suitable settings for you

koverReport {
    // common filters for all reports of all variants
    filters {
        // exclusions for reports
        excludes {
            // excludes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
            // excludes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
            // excludes all classes and functions, annotated by specified annotations, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
        // inclusions for reports
        includes {
            // includes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
            // includes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages

    // configure default reports - for Kotlin/JVM or Kotlin/MPP projects or merged android variants  
    defaults {
        // add reports of 'release' Android build variant to default reports - applicable only for Android projects
        // configure XML report
        xml {
            //  generate an XML report when running the `check` task
            onCheck = false
            // XML report file
            // overriding filters only for the XML report 
            filters {
                // exclusions for XML reports
                excludes {
                    // excludes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                    // excludes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                    // excludes all classes and functions, annotated by specified annotations, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                // inclusions for XML reports
                includes {
                    // includes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                    // includes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages
        // configure HTML report
        html {
            // custom header in HTML reports, project path by default
            title = "My report title"
            //  generate a HTML report when running the `check` task
            onCheck = false
            // directory for HTML report
            htmlDir = layout.buildDirectory.dir("my-project-report/html-result")
            // overriding filters only for the HTML report
            filters {
                // exclusions for HTML reports
                excludes {
                    // excludes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                    // excludes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                    // excludes all classes and functions, annotated by specified annotations, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                // inclusions for HTML reports
                includes {
                    // includes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                    // includes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages
        // configure verification
        verify {
            //  verify coverage when running the `check` task
            onCheck = true
            // add verification rule
            rule {
                // check this rule during verification 
                isEnabled = true
                // specify the code unit for which coverage will be aggregated 
                entity = kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.GroupingEntityType.APPLICATION
                // overriding filters only for current rule
                filters {
                    excludes {
                        // excludes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                        // excludes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                        // excludes all classes and functions, annotated by specified annotations, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                    includes {
                        // includes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                        // includes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages
                // specify verification bound for this rule
                bound {
                    // lower bound
                    minValue = 1
                    // upper bound
                    maxValue = 99
                    // specify which units to measure coverage for
                    metric = kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.MetricType.LINE
                    // specify an aggregating function to obtain a single value that will be checked against the lower and upper boundaries
                    aggregation = kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.AggregationType.COVERED_PERCENTAGE
                // add lower bound for percentage of covered lines
                // add upper bound for percentage of covered lines
        // configure coverage logging
        log {
            //  print coverage when running the `check` task
            onCheck = true
            // overriding filters only for the logging report
            filters {
                // exclusions for logging reports
                excludes {
                  // excludes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                  // excludes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                  // excludes all classes and functions, annotated by specified annotations (with BINARY or RUNTIME AnnotationRetention), wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                // inclusions for logging reports
                includes {
                  // includes class by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
                  // includes all classes located in specified package and it subpackages
            // Add a header line to the output before the lines with coverage
            header = null
            // Format of the strings to print coverage for the specified in `groupBy` group
            format = "<entity> line coverage: <value>%"
            // Specifies by which entity the code for separate coverage evaluation will be grouped
            groupBy = GroupingEntityType.APPLICATION
            // Specifies which metric is used for coverage evaluation
            coverageUnits = MetricType.LINE
            // Specifies aggregation function that will be calculated over all the elements of the same group
            aggregationForGroup = AggregationType.COVERED_PERCENTAGE
    // configure reports for 'release' build variant
    androidReports("release") {
        // same as for 'defaults' with the exception of 'mergeWith'

Renaming Coverage Engines to Coverage Tools

Previously called engines have been renamed tools.

Kover instrumentation agent and report generator are used by default.

To use JaCoCo tools with default version:

kover {

To use JaCoCo tools with specified version:

kover {

report filters now not affects instrumentation

In version 0.6.1, report filters also excluded classes from instrumentation.

However, starting from version 0.7.0, classes are excluded from instrumentation separately (see this)

Kover extension for test tasks was removed

The kover task extension has been removed from the JVM test tasks.

Class filters for instrumentation have been moved to a special extension.

The ability to rename binary raw report files has been removed, now they are always located in the directory build/kover/raw-reports and are named the same as the test task + ".ic" for Kover and ".exec" for JaCoCo.

Excluding from instrumentation

Now to exclude classes from instrumentation, you need to configure a special extension

kover {
    excludeInstrumentation {
        // excludes from instrumentations classes by fully-qualified JVM class name, wildcards '*' and '?' are available
        classes("*Foo*", "*Bar")
        // excludes from instrumentations all classes located in specified package and it subpackages, wildcards '*' and '?' are available

rename dependency in buildSrc

Dependencies like classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kover:$koverVersion" or implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kover:$koverVersion") should be replaced by classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kover-gradle-plugin:$koverVersion"

Migration error for Kotlin script

Using ‘isDisabled: Boolean’ is an error


Use property ‘disabledForProject’ instead.

disabledForProject.set( Unresolved reference


Use function disable()

Using ‘CoverageEngineVariant’ is an error


Using ‘engine: Nothing?’ is an error


Use appropriate functions instead: useJacoco() or useJacoco("version")

Using ‘filters(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


Move all common report filters to the block

koverReport {
    filters {
        // filters for reports of all types

Using ‘classes(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


Rewrite class filters, for exclusions

    filters {
        excludes {
            classes("class1", "class2", "class3")

for inclusions

    filters {
        includes {
            classes("class1", "class2", "class3")

Using ‘instrumentation(KoverTestsExclusions.() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


Use block excludeTests instead.

Using ‘excludeTasks: MutableList' is an error


Instead of excludeTasks += "test" use tasks("test1") or tasks("test1", "test2") for multiple test tasks

Using ‘xmlReport(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


Configure XML report filter in block

koverReport {
    defaults {
        xml {
            // configs ...

Using ‘htmlReport(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


Configure HTML report filter in block

koverReport {
    defaults {
        html {
            // configs ...

Using ‘verify(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


Configure verification report filter in block

koverReport {
    defaults {
        verify {
            // configs ...

Using ‘reportFile: Nothing?’ is an error


Property usage reportFile.set(file) should be replaced by setReportFile(file)

Using ‘name: String?’ is an error


name property is deprecated, specify rule custom name in rule function

koverReport {
    defaults {
        verify {
            rule("My rule name") {
                // ... rule definition

Using ‘reportDir: Nothing?’ is an error


Property usage reportDir.set(dir) should be replaced by setReportDir(dir)

Using ‘overrideFilters(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


To override report filters, instead of overrideFilters call filters

Using ‘target: GroupingEntityType’ is an error


Instead of target use entity.

onCheck.set( Unresolved reference.


Use assignment onCheck =

Using ‘VerificationTarget’ is an error


Instead of class kotlinx.kover.api.VerificationTarget use kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.GroupingEntityType

Using ‘ALL’ is an error


Use APPLICATION instead of ALL

Using ‘overrideClassFilter(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error


To override verification rule filters, use filters

Using ‘includes: MutableList' is an error


Instead of property includes += listOf("class1", "class2") use block

    includes {
        classes("class1", "class2")

Using ‘excludes: MutableList' is an error


Instead of property excludes += listOf("class1", "class2") use block

    excludes {
        classes("class1", "class2")

Using ‘counter: MetricType’ is an error


Use metric property.

Using ‘CounterType’ is an error. Class was removed


Use class kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.MetricType

Using ‘valueType: AggregationType’ is an error


Use aggregation property.

Using ‘VerificationValueType’ is an error


Use class kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.AggregationType

Using ‘KoverTaskExtension’ is an error. Class was removed


Using ‘isDisabled: Boolean’ is an error. Kover test task config was removed


Using ‘reportFile: Nothing?’ is an error. Kover test task config was removed


Using ‘includes: MutableList' is an error. Kover test task config was removed


Using ‘excludes: MutableList' is an error. Kover test task config was removed


Remove test task extension and move instrumentation configuration to root extension

kover {
    excludeTests {
        // to disable instrumentation for specified test tasks
    excludeInstrumentation {
        // to disable instrumentation of specified class by fully-qualified JVM class name
        classes("class1", "class2")

Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kover:0.7.6


rename dependencies in buildSrc from org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kover: to org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kover-gradle-plugin:

Unresolved reference: KoverExtension


Replace KoverExtension (or kotlinx.kover.api.KoverExtension) by kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.KoverProjectExtension

Using ‘KoverMergedConfig’ is an error. Kover merged report config was removed


Using ‘enable(): Unit’ is an error. Kover merged report config was removed


Using ‘filters(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error. Kover merged report config was removed


Using ‘xmlReport(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error. Kover merged report config was removed


Using ‘htmlReport(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error. Kover merged report config was removed


Using ‘verify(() -> Unit): Unit’ is an error. Kover merged report config was removed


See migrate instruction.

Using ‘IntellijEngine’ is an error


Remove the engine change, the Kover toolkit is used by default

Using ‘DefaultIntellijEngine’ is an error


Remove the engine change, embedded Kover toolkit is used by default

Using ‘JacocoEngine’ is an error


Use function useJacoco("version") instead.

Using ‘DefaultJacocoEngine’ is an error


Use function useJacoco() instead.

Using ‘KoverVersions’ is an error


Use class with fully-qualified name kotlinx.kover.gradle.plugin.dsl.KoverVersions