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Kover Aggregated Plugin


This plugin is a prototype for testing ideas related to an alternative configuration method.

The main difference from the existing Kover Gradle Plugin is the reactive content of the report: only those classes and tests that were compiled and executed within the same build get into the report.

To use the plugin, just add into a settings.gradle.kts file

plugins {
    id("org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kover.aggregation") version "0.8.3"

There is no need to apply Kover plugin in other places, the org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kover plug-in should not be applied anywhere.

To measure coverage you should pass special -Pkover argument to Gradle CLI command and call the command to generate the corresponding report koverHtmlReport or koverXmlReport. Example, if you want to measure the coverage of the test task:

./gradlew test -Pkover koverHtmlReport

Only those classes that were compiled as part of the current Gradle build are included in the report. If no compilation tasks were called in the build, the report will be empty.

The report covers only those tests that were run as part of the current build. If no tests were called in the assembly, then the coverage for all classes will be 0.


At the moment, Kover Settings Plugin allows to configure reports minimally.

There are two ways to configure, using a build script in settings.gradle.kts and CLI

Acceptable settings in settings.gradle.kts and their equivalent in CLI

kover {
    // -Pkover
    reports {
        // -Pkover.projects.includes=:a
        // -Pkover.projects.excludes=:b



        // -Pkover.classes.excludesAnnotated=*.Generated*
        // -Pkover.classes.includesAnnotated=*Included*

For example, the following setting is in settings.gradle.kts

kover {
    reports {

fully equivalent to Gradle CLI arguments -Pkover -Pkover.classes.excludes=org.test.MyClass*

Any of the specified settings or DSL is preliminary and can be deleted or changed without maintaining backward compatibility