kandy 0.8.0-RC1 Help

Several Ribbons

val times = listOf("00:00", "06:00", "12:00", "18:00", "24:00") val btcMin = listOf(310, 225, 202, 278, 360) val btcMax = listOf(334, 307, 243, 293, 388) val ethMin = listOf(180, 205, 256, 300, 280) val ethMax = listOf(210, 234, 299, 322, 331) val dataset = dataFrameOf( "time" to times + times, "min" to btcMin + ethMin, "max" to btcMax + ethMax, "currency" to List(5) { "btc" } + List(5) { "eth" } ) dataset.groupBy("currency").plot { ribbon { x("time") y { axis.limits = 170..400 axis.name = "price, tokens" } yMin("min") yMax("max") fillColor("currency") { legend.breaksLabeled("btc" to "Bubble Tea\nCoin", "eth" to "E-Traders\nHedgehogs") } alpha = 0.6 borderLine.width = 0.0 } }
val times = listOf("00:00", "06:00", "12:00", "18:00", "24:00") val btcMin = listOf(310, 225, 202, 278, 360) val btcMax = listOf(334, 307, 243, 293, 388) val ethMin = listOf(180, 205, 256, 300, 280) val ethMax = listOf(210, 234, 299, 322, 331) val dataset = mapOf( "time" to times + times, "min" to btcMin + ethMin, "max" to btcMax + ethMax, "currency" to List(5) { "btc" } + List(5) { "eth" } ) dataset.plot { groupBy("currency") { ribbon { x("time") y { axis.limits = 170..400 axis.name = "price, tokens" } yMin("min") yMax("max") fillColor("currency") { legend.breaksLabeled("btc" to "Bubble Tea\nCoin", "eth" to "E-Traders\nHedgehogs") } alpha = 0.6 borderLine.width = 0.0 } } }
Several Ribbons
Last modified: 12 November 2024