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Algebraic Curve

fun linspace(start: Double, stop: Double, num: Int): List<Double> { return List(num) { i -> start + i * ((stop - start) / (num - 1)) } }
fun F(x: Double, y: Double, a: Double = 0.0, b: Double = 0.0): Double { return y.pow(2) - x.pow(3) - a * x - b } fun level(z: Double, c: Double = 1.0): Double { return exp(-c * abs(z)) }
val n = 300 val a = -1.0 val b = 0.0 val xRange = linspace(-3.0, 3.0, n + 1) val yRange = linspace(-3.0, 3.0, n + 1) val zippedData = xRange.map { x -> yRange.map { y -> Triple(x, y, level(F(x, y, a = a, b = b), c = 10.0)) } }.flatten() val dataset = mapOf( "x" to zippedData.map { it.first }, "y" to zippedData.map { it.second }, "z" to zippedData.map { it.third }, )
plot(dataset) { raster { x("x"<Double>()) y("y"<Double>()) fillColor("z"<Double>()) { scale = continuous(range = Color.hex("#253494")..Color.hex("#ffffcc")) legend.type = LegendType.None } } layout { title = "Elliptic curve with a = $a, b = $b" subtitle = "Simple way to draw an algebraic curve - with `raster` layer" size = 800 to 600 style(Style.Void) } }
Algebraic Curve Plot
Last modified: 26 March 2024