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Generation implementations

There are two main implementations of the Generation core extension point:

  • SingleModuleGeneration - generates documentation for a single module, for instance when dokkaHtml task is invoked
  • AllModulesPageGeneration - generates multi-module documentation, for instance when dokkaHtmlMultiModule task is invoked.


SingleModuleGeneration is at the heart of generating documentation. It utilizes core and base extensions to build the documentation from start to finish.

Below you can see the flow of how Dokka's data model is transformed by various core and base extensions.

You can read about what each stage does in Core extension points and Base plugin.


AllModulesPageGeneration utilizes the output generated by SingleModuleGeneration.

Under the hood, it just collects all of the pages generated for individual modules, and assembles it all together, creating navigation links between the modules and so on.