Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help

Testing in K2 Locally

To test the plugin in K2 mode locally, pass the -Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true VM option to the IntelliJ IDEA run test, or to the test task.

When using the IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin, you can specify the option directly in the build.gradle.kts file.

To run in a debug IntelliJ IDEA instance, submit the option to the RunIdeTask:

tasks.named<RunIdeTask>("runIde") { jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider { listOf("-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true") } }

To run tests against the Kotlin IntelliJ IDEA plugin in the K2 mode, add the option to the test task:

tasks.test { jvmArgumentProviders += CommandLineArgumentProvider { listOf("-Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true") } }
Last modified: 11 September 2024