Kotlin Analysis API Documentation Help


Represents a named function declaration, such as a top-level function, a class method, or a named local function.


Inherits from KaFunctionSymbol.


val name: Name

The function name.

val typeParameters: List<KaTypeParameterSymbol>

A list of declared type parameters.

val isExternal: Boolean

true if the function is an external function.

val isInfix: Boolean

true if the function is an infix function.

val isInline: Boolean

true if the function is an inline function.

val isOverride: Boolean

true if the function is an override.

val isSuspend: Boolean

true if the function is a suspend function.

val isStatic: Boolean

true if the function is a static function.

val isOperator: Boolean

true if the function is an operator function.

val isTailRec: Boolean

true if the function is marked with tailrec.

val isBuiltinFunctionInvoke: Boolean

true if the function is the invoke() method defined on the Kotlin built-in functional type.

val contractEffects: List<KaContractEffectDeclaration>

A list of defined contracts.

Last modified: 23 July 2024